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The Most Common Places for Mould Growth

Women removing mould from Wall

Mould is more than an unsightly cosmetic issue in the home. According to this study, environmental mould can cause respiratory issues in children in Canada. Handling and removing mould is vital to protect you and your family from the debilitating conditions of an allergy. To help you tackle the problem, we've listed some of the most common places for mould growth in your home.

Your Bathtub or Shower

Mould thrives in damp places, so it makes sense you are likely to find mould in your bathroom. The first place to check is the tiling around your shower or bath. But you can also check other items nearby, such as the drain, shampoo bottles, or shower head. The key to preventing mould in your shower or bath is to improve ventilation so that dampness doesn't gradually build up. We recommend that you operate your bathroom exhaust fan during, as well as a minimum of 30 minutes after bathing to remove excess humidity.

Kitchen Sink

Another typical spot for mould growth in the home is around and beneath a sink, which could include a bathroom sink or your main kitchen sink. Major mould problems could be a sign of leakage, so get the plumbing checked by a professional. Always wipe and dry around your sink after use to reduce the risk of mould. You can try a basic cleaning solution if you spot mould around the tiling or underneath. For persistent problems, talk to us about how we can help and never use bleach to clean mould.

Kids Toys and Accessories

You may have seen viral social media posts before where a parent will cut open a beloved yellow bath duck to find it covered in mould. Mould can be a problem with children's items because they tend to carry them around all day in the garden and get them wet. That is common with things like sippy cups and anything made of plastic. Always check your children's toys, cups, and highchairs to ensure your young offspring isn't carrying around or touching mould.


We all know mattresses are a haven for dreaded dust mites. But did you know mattresses can also be troublesome for mould growth conditions? Ensure you regularly ventilate your room to prevent mould from gathering on your mattress. If you can, turn your mattress over regularly and always ensure you have an air gap between your mattress and a cool exterior wall during the cold winter months to avoid condensation. Another surprising tip to help prevent mould is to leave your sheets at the bottom of the mattress instead of making your bed each morning. It will allow the material to breathe and avoid moisture and mould gathering.

Mats and Rugs

You should regularly check welcome mats and living room rugs for signs of mould. These tend to stay in the same spot for years, and many of us are guilty of vacuuming and cleaning around mats instead of removing them. To prevent mould, take mats and rugs out into the garden regularly, beat them to remove dust, and air them to remove moisture. If the area under and around the mat is mopped, ensure the floor has completely dried prior to returning the mat to its location.

Common Places for Mould Growth: Next Steps

Don't let mould growth interfere with your life or your health. Check these common places regularly and keep your house well ventilated. For those already handling a mould problem, the sooner you tackle it, the better. Connect with us now at Breath Easy Winnipeg to discover why we have a 100% success rate and why we should be your first step when you want to stop mould growth fast.

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